In case of people who you don’t get along with are “Red”
“Red”: “Who are you? “I am the queen!”
Mine characteristic of “Red”
- Tire out the people around you
- Incautions
- Too irritating
- Only you are in the limelight
- Quarrelsome
- Flip-flop
If you are having trouble dealing with “Red”
Let their anger and frustration out quickly to put an end to the problem.
Communication for “Red”
People who work with “Red”: Let them have flowers.
“Red” for your bosses: Act on what they are told immediately.
“Red” for your business partners: Assure them of work before they change their mind.
“Red” for school teachers: Proactively express your opinions.
“Red” for fellow moms: Try not to be pushed around.
People who go well with “Red” are
- The charismatic “Black”.
- “Yellow” who is fun to be around
- “Blue” whose calmness is very respectable
People who don’t go well with “Red” are
- “Gray” who will always be in the gray zone
- “Green” who will always be a good person