
In case of people who you don’t get along with are “Gray”

“Gray” : Timidness is mistaken for “Am I sensitive?”

Mine characters of “Gray”

  • Not opinionated
  • Lack of sociability
  • Strong defensive instincts
  • Outbursts when angry
  • Not articulate
  • Doesn’t show emotion

If you are having trouble dealing with a “Gray”

Understand that they are acting that way because they are cautious and start by eliminating the problem.

Communication for “Gray”

People who work with “gray”: Keep a certain distance from each other.
“Gray” for your bosses: Keeps reporting after the fact.
“Gray” for your business partners: Do what you have to do without hesitation.
“Gray” for school teachers: Don’t make complaints out of the blue.
“Gray” for fellow mom’s: Invite her casually.

People who go well with “Gray” are

  • “Light blue” which provides casual support
  • “Green” which is calm and gentle

People who don’t go well with “Gray” are

  • “Orange” which is always talking to you
  • “Gray” who is just as cautious