
Work style of Turquoise

The values that the Turquoise type seek in their work

You want to work smart.
You seek a place where you are able to change and grow in a sophisticated environment.
You want to be constantly challenged and excited about the future.

Are you a freedom lover or an organization person?

Want to work freely within an organization.
When starting a business on your own, work with people who match your sensibilities.
You don’t want to be interfered with more than necessary.

Where do you work?

A city where people with urban and good sense gather.
A city with trendy cafes and wine bars where you can casually stop by.
Want to work in a stylish office space that suits your sensibilities.

Who do you work with? (Who can be your business partners?)

Want to work with people who have a good sense of fashion.
Want to work with people who have a sense of conversation, culture, and intellectual curiosity.
Want to work with people who are excited to talk about future dreams and what they want to achieve.

Who do you work for?

A person who properly appreciates my sense of style and persistence.
A partner or company that is worthy of helping you make your dreams come true.

How is your balance between business and personal?

Completely separate your business and personal.
You work smartly and without a sense of life.
You create an atmosphere that does not allow people to step into your private.