
Work style of Purple

The values that the Purple type seek in their work

You value the invisible spiritual world.
You seek freedom in fashion, even at work.
Unusual, mysterious and sexy are always necessary for work.

Are you a freedom lover or an organization person?

You are an artistical free lover who needs to be immersed in your own world.
You hate to be tied down by organizations.
You don’t communicate with colleagues unnecessarily.

Where do you work?

A city with particular twists and a sense of art.
You like to renovate and have office spaces that look like traditional houses.
The offices are like a secret hideaway and are located as if they choose who comes to them.

Who do you work with? (Who can be your business partners?)

Someone who shares the same artistic sensibilities.
Someone who understands your particular tastes and aesthetic sense.
Someone with an unusual and poisonous personality.

Who do you work for?

Someone who really values my artistic sensibility.
Someone who finds great value in who you are as a person.

How is your balance between business and personal?

The way your life is directly connected to your work.
The people you like at work you also like in your personal life.