
Aptitude of Green

Strengths of Green type in the workplace

  • Always gentle and natural
  • Maintain a stable life style and mental stability
  • Has a strong moral sense and tries to maintain harmony without making enemies
  • Good at balancing private and public life, capable for work and taking care of family

Suitable jobs for Green type

~A Civil servants who work for the citizens~

You are suited to be a civil servant working for the citizens. You are not bothered by doing the same job every day. Rather than a glamorous and exciting job, you are more at home in a workplace where you can work unhurriedly on weekdays and rest well on weekends.

~A calm middle manager~

You are suited to a calm middle management position. Even if there is trouble in the workplace, you will be able to handle it as a coordinator. You don’t make enemies, so your superiors and subordinates trust you. Even if you have a bad day, you never show it.

~A dietitian who thinks about nutritionally balanced school lunches~

You are suited to be a dietitian who thinks about nutritionally balanced school lunches. A well-balanced diet is the most important factor in building a healthy body. You’re working hard to create a menu while thinking of the smiling faces of children.

~The owner of an organic cafe~

You are suited to be the owner of an organic cafe. You love organic produce vegetables and want to share their wonderfulness with your customers. It’s a pleasure to serve delicious and safe food in relaxing and botanical places.

~A bus driver who loves peaceful life~

You are suited to be a bus driver who loves a peaceful life. You always drive safely and drive the same route every day. It’s a relief to finish the day without any accidents. You hope to be able to continue this job which involves interaction with customers until you retire.

This may not be the right place for you

  • A job with unstable income
  • A company that changes rapidly
  • Workplace with people with too much unique fashion