
Work style of Black

The values that the Black type seek in their work

You want to work with an independence and charisma to get results.
You cannot stand to work while being told what to do.

Are you a freedom lover or an organization person?

Want to be independent rather than employed.
If you belong to an organization, to acquire the skills necessary for independence.
Desire a top-down team leader.

Where do you work?

A city with a lot of trending and a sense of status.
A city with ambition that attracts people who want to succeed in big business.
Office space requires cutting-edge specifications with no waste.

Who do you work with? (Who can be your business partners?)

A business partner is someone who can do the job as well as you, or someone who has a clear sense of character.
The person you give top-down instructions to should be someone who will do what you say and not go against you.

Who do you work for?

Someone with whom you can maximize the impact of your busines or influence a large number of people.
You choose a job where the results are clear and the benefits are easy to understand.

How is your balance between business and personal?

Basically, you are a workaholic.
You make a clear distinction between business and personal, and you don’t want your work to be disturbed in your private.
You choose as a partner someone who understands that.